Journal of Instructional Psychology

Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Research Areas of Emphasis in Professional Psychology: Past and Current Trends
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Students with Disabilities Use Tactile Cued Self-Monitoring to Improve Academic Productivity During Independent Tasks
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Collaborative Relationships for General Education Teachers Working with Students with Disabilities
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Student Prepared Testing Aids: A Low-Tech Method of Encouraging Student Engagement
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
The Qualities of Physical Education Teachers Based Upon Students' Perceptions of Physical Appearance
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Evaluation of the Student Life-stress Inventory-Revised
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Literature in the Social Studies, the Pupil, and the Teacher
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
The Standardization of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator into Turkisk: An Application on Students
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Helping Students to Become Money Smart
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Trimodernism and Social Sciences: A Note
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology