Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Literature in the Social Studies, the Pupil, and the Teacher

Judul Artikel:Literature in the Social Studies, the Pupil, and the Teacher
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Instructional Psychology
Tempat Terbit:George E
Volume:Vol. 39 Issue 2 2012
Penerbit:Educational Innovations
Frekuensi Penerbitan:4 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Marlow Ediger
Abstraksi:Pupils need to experience a variety of kinds of literature in the social studies, as it relates to the ongoing unit of study. This is necessary in order that individual differences are provided for in the classroom. Learners differ from each other in interests, purposes, and abilities in reading. Background information for achievement in the ensuing unit must be possessed by each pupil so that new learnings may be understood. Reading social studies subject matter should taught so that it is beneficial to pupils across the curriculum. Thus, useful content and skills in reading transfer to other subject matter areas. Reading is an important skill to emphasize in the curriculum.
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