Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Research Areas of Emphasis in Professional Psychology: Past and Current Trends

Judul Artikel:Research Areas of Emphasis in Professional Psychology: Past and Current Trends
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Instructional Psychology
Tempat Terbit:George E
Volume:Vol. 39 Issue 2 2012
Penerbit:Educational Innovations
Frekuensi Penerbitan:4 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Chris Piotrowski
Abstraksi:Since professional psychology is a multifaceted and evolving field, examining trends and the emphasis that topical issues receive in the literature can provide a candid view on areas of concem to the profession. This study addresses the question: Where has professional psychology been and where is it going? This inquiry used a content analysis methodology, based on a bibliometric approach (see Nederhof, 2006), to gauge the extent of topical emphasis in the field over the past 2 decades. To that end, articles in the joumai Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, for years 2012-2005 and 2002-1995, were categorized and the aggregated data compared between these 2 time frames based on main topic. The analysis indicated that the major areas of increasing emphasis in recent years are: Evidence-based treatments, veterans/ active military, multicultural and ethical issues, and natural disasters. This seems, in part, to refiect a) accountability in health care/mental health practice and b) the presence of wars and disasters in the national consciousness over the past decade. Areas of decreasing emphasis were: GraduateAmtemship training and education, managed care issues, and professional role. In addition, several topical areas have maintained equivocal emphasis over the past 2 decades, i.e., forensic, health, and child psychology, suicide, chronic pain, rural practice, and interpersonal violence. These findings provide a barometer on the diverse range of topics which have been emphasized or deemphasized over time. The perplexing issue is a) whether the published research in professional psychology reflects the issues and concems of practicing psychologists in the field, and b) which issues will remain fundamental to practice and at the forefront of published research, despite the perennial challenges of an evolving profession.
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