Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal

Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Investigating the Effects of Individualism-Collectivism on Trust and Cooperation
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Application of Classic Human Information Processing Models to Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
The Worry Scale Revised: Psychometric Properties And Worry Trends in a Nationwide Sample of Older Adults
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Measuring an Act of Forgiveness
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Brain Perfusion SPECT Scans in a Rural Child and Adolescent Outpatient Clinic
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Self-Regulatíon of Homework Completion
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
The Role of the Practitioner in Legally Coerced Programs for Male Perpetrators of Domestic Violence
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Trust Discrimination Tendency of Trust Circles in Economic Risk Domain and Cultural Difference Between Canada and China
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Combat-Related PTSD Treatment: Indications for Exercise Therapy
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
How Do People with Psychological Disorders Cope with Loneliness?
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal