Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Brain Perfusion SPECT Scans in a Rural Child and Adolescent Outpatient Clinic

Judul Artikel:Brain Perfusion SPECT Scans in a Rural Child and Adolescent Outpatient Clinic
Judul Terbitan:Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 6 Issue 3 2009
Penerbit:Psychological Publishing
Frekuensi Penerbitan:4 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:William Sheehan, Katie Istre, and Steven Thurber*
Abstraksi:Diagnostic and background data were gathered on eight children and adolescents (four girls; four boys; ages 4 through 16) referred for ncuroimaging to a small psychiatric inpatient unit. Referral questions were related to refractoriness to treatment, and the possibility of brain trauma or neurodevelopmental problems. Five individuals had been diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome and all were evincing externalizing or poorly conti-oUed deportinent. The results of stiiictural imaging (magnetic resonance imaging or MRI) suggested significant under-development or atrophy for three of the participants. Functional imaging (single photon emission computed tomography or SPECT) however indicated left hemisphere hypoperftision for all referred individuals. The location of hypoperfusion is consistent with manifestations of poor impulse control, the common behavioral element among the patients. The findings suggest that SPECT may be more sensitive to subtle brain abnormalities that may be involved in externalizing symptoms than stiTicUiral imaging approaches. Further, SPECT results may be helpful in formulating effective treatment planning.
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