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The Worry Scale Revised: Psychometric Properties And Worry Trends in a Nationwide Sample of Older Adults

Judul Artikel:The Worry Scale Revised: Psychometric Properties And Worry Trends in a Nationwide Sample of Older Adults
Judul Terbitan:Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 6 Issue 3 2009
Penerbit:Psychological Publishing
Frekuensi Penerbitan:4 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Sandra L. Hunt* and Patricia A. Wisocki
Abstraksi:In this study we examined the psychometric properties of the Worry Scale Revised (WSR), an expanded version of the Worry Scale for older adults, One-hundredfifly- two older adults from 118 different towns and cities across the U,S, completed the WSR as part of a magazine survey. Participants also completed the original Worry Scale, the Penn State Worry Questionnaire, and an additional questionnaire designed to elicit personal information about worry and the worry process. The WSR appeared to have good internal consistency and appropriately discriminated between high and low worriers. The measure demonstrated adequate construct validify, given its association with other worry measures and theoretically related concepts. This study also investigated the hypothesis that older adults would show age related reductions in their tendency to worry. Results revealed that worry did not decrease as a function of age, but rather was significantly higher for individuals in their 8O's compared to those in their 6O's, These findings are discussed in the context of emerging research on worry across the developmental spectrum.
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