Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Adult Innumeracy: Are Students' Arithmetic Scores Affected by Gender-Related Stereotype Threat or IQ?
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Can Sadness Perceptions in Music be Primed?
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
A Factor Structure and Psychometric Evaluation of the Hunter Cynicism Scale
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Discrimination and Validation of the Post-Traumatic Relationship Syndrome
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Correlation Between Foreign Language Anxiety and Gender
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Conflict Communication, Decision-Making, and Individualism in Mexican and Spanish University Students
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
The Association Between Social Adjustment and Satisfaction in Individuals with Schizophrenia
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
A Preliminary Factor Analytic Investigation of Beginning Counseling Students Worries
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
A Review of Ethics from Project Syllabus
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
From Loneliness to Belonging: A Review
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal