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A Factor Structure and Psychometric Evaluation of the Hunter Cynicism Scale

Judul Artikel:A Factor Structure and Psychometric Evaluation of the Hunter Cynicism Scale
Judul Terbitan:Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 7 Issue 4 2010
Penerbit:Psychological Publishing
Frekuensi Penerbitan:4 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Howard B. Lee*, Alberto F. Restori, and Gary S. Katz
Abstraksi:George Hunter developed a scale for measuring cynicism, the Hunter Cynicism Scale (HCS) which appears in a book edited by Wrightsman, Batson, and Edkins (2004). No psychometric data was given for this scale. The current study attempts to establish psychomefric properties for the scale so it can possibly be used in current research projects that require the measurement of cynicism. The 40-item instrument was subjected to an item analysis, Cronbach's reliability analysis, and factor analysis. Additionally, the HCS was correlated to the Trust vs. Defensiveness subseale of the Comrey Personality Scales (CPS) and a 4-item measure within that subseale that measures the lack of cynicism (Comrey, 1970). The two measures were administered to 185 participants at two public California universities. Using Cronbach's reliability coefficient, the HCS was found to have a reliability of 0.81. Item analyses were performed and 35 out of the 40 items had a statistically signiflcant (p < .05) correlation with the total scale score. The Cronbach reliability for the 35 item scale was .84. The factor analysis of the 35-item revised HCS yield 5 factors. Both the 40-item and 35-item HCS were significantly correlated to the Trust vs. Defensiveness scale and to the 4-item lack of cynicism measure. This research shows that this instrument can be used for current research purposes where a measure of cynicism is desired.
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