Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Conflict Communication, Decision-Making, and Individualism in Mexican and Spanish University Students

Judul Artikel:Conflict Communication, Decision-Making, and Individualism in Mexican and Spanish University Students
Judul Terbitan:Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 8 Issue 1 2011
Penerbit:Psychological Publishing
Frekuensi Penerbitan:4 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Francisco A. Laca*, Juan Carlos Mejia, and Edwin G. Mayoral
Abstraksi:From a behavioral decision perspective on negotiation and conflict resolution, and emphasizing the role of communication in conflict management, this paper examines the relationships between decision-making patterns, conflict management styles, and communication skills in two samples of Mexican and Spanish university students (N = 441), and their possible cultural differences in these topics. The IndividualLsm/Collectivism dimension was taken as a possible criterion of cultural differences. Our translation of instruments into Spanish language to assess Individualism/Collectivism (Shulmf, Hattie, & Dixon, 2003) and Conflict Management Message Styles (Ross & DeWine, 1988) are presented with their confirmatoiy factorial analyses indicating that these constructs are equivalent to the original versions in English language. Expected results included strong relationships between decision-making patterns and conflict message styles, unexpected results from the literature including high individualism in Mexican students are discussed. A model in which the vigilance decision-making pattern and communication skills are intermediate variables between individualism and issue-oriented messages was shown to be significant after the corresponding structural analysis.
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