Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

A Replication and Extension of the PictureAVord Memory Suppression Effect
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
LOST in Sleep: A Brief Measure of Self-Reported Sleep-Length
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Theoretical and Methodological Problems in Research on Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Other Meridian Based Therapies
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Perceived Discrimination in the Arabian Gulf: The Case of Migrant Labor in Kuwait
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
How Child-Mother Pairs Reported What They Had Witnessed Together: An Experimental Examination Using the MORI Technique
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
The Impact of Exercise Deprivation on Mood in Athletes and Non-Athletes
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Anger and Shame as Predictors ofPsychopathology
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Investigating the Effects of Individualism-Collectivism on Trust and Cooperation
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Application of Classic Human Information Processing Models to Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
The Worry Scale Revised: Psychometric Properties And Worry Trends in a Nationwide Sample of Older Adults
Psikologi | Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal