Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Individual Psychology: From Philosophy to Research and Application
Psikologi | Journal of Individual Psychology
Book Review
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Social Interest and Social Responsibility in Contemporary Corporate Environments
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Educating for Social Responsibility
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Trans People and Social Justice
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Alfred Adier's Influence on American Law
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Context and Impact of Raissa Epstein's Ideas on Alfred Adier's Social Imaginary (1897-1935)
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Reflections on Alfred Adler: A Social Exclusion Perspective
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Social Justice: Addressing Social Exclusion by Means of Social Interest and Social Responsibility
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Clustering Research Activity in Communication Doctoral Programs: Relationship of Publication Productivity and Department Size to Disciplinary Reputation and Prestige
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication