Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

The Electronic Water Cooler: Insiders and Outsiders Talk About Organizational Justice on the Internet
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Who Knows Who Knows What in the Group? The Effects of Communication Network Centralities, Use of Digital Knowledge Repositories, and Work Remoteness on Organizational Members’ Accuracy in Expertise Recognition
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Are You Doing What I’m Doing? Goal Projection in Conversation
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Cultural Agenda Setting: Media Attributes and Public Attention of Greek Museums
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Attributions After a Group Failure: Do They Matter? Effects of Attributions on Group Communication and Performance
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Partisan Evaluation of Partisan Information
Komunikasi | Communication Research
See It on a Radio Story: Sound Effects and Shots to Evoked Imagery and Attention on Audio Fiction
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Does Discussion With Disagreement Discourage All Types of Political Participation? Survey Evidence From Hong Kong
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Cads and Dads on Screen: Do Media Representations of Partner Scarcity Affect Partner Preferences Among College-Aged Women?
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Gendering the Self: Selective Magazine Reading and Reinforcement of Gender Conformity
Komunikasi | Communication Research