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Does Discussion With Disagreement Discourage All Types of Political Participation? Survey Evidence From Hong Kong

Judul Artikel:Does Discussion With Disagreement Discourage All Types of Political Participation? Survey Evidence From Hong Kong
Judul Terbitan:Communication Research
Tempat Terbit:USA
Volume:Vol. 39 Issue 4 2012
Penerbit:University of Colorado
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Francis L. F. Lee1
Abstraksi:Past studies have found contradicting evidence regarding the influence of political discussion with disagreeing others on political participation. This study argues that the impact of discussion with disagreement is likely to depend on the type of participatory activities involved. It conceptualizes a distinction between position-taking and nonposition-taking activities. The former refers to activities designed to have potential participants taking up a set position on a specific matter, whereas the latter refers to activities not designed as such. It is argued that discussion with disagreeing others is likely to suppress participation in position-taking activities, since such activities leave lesser room for participants to express the complexities of and possible ambivalence in their views. In contrast, discussion with disagreeing others may encourage participation in nonposition-taking activities. Relevant hypotheses are tested with a survey conducted in Hong Kong examining the impact of discussion and disagreement on voting, protest participation, and calling into talk radio.
Kata Kunci:political conversation, disagreement, political participation, deliberation-participation paradox, position-taking versus nonposition-taking activities