Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Developing Teacher Candidates' Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions to Teach Diverse Students
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Faculty and Student Perceptions of Providing Instructor Lecture Notes to Students: Match or Mismatch?
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Research Based Learning Approach: Students Perspective of Skills Obtained
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Outsiders Looking In? Ensuring that Teachers of the Gifted and Talented Education and Teachers of Students with Disabililties are Part of the 'In-Crowd'
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Sequence in the Social Studies
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
The Impact of Socioeconomic Status on High Stakes Testing Reexamined
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Stereotypes and Representations of Aging in the Media
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Reading Achievement, Attitude Toward Reading, and Reading Seif-Esteem of Historically Low Achieving Students
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Early Childhood Teachers' Behavior Intention to Apply Teaching Aids
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Using Paraprofessionals to Teach Social Skills to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in the General Education Classroom
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology