Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Research Based Learning Approach: Students Perspective of Skills Obtained

Judul Artikel:Research Based Learning Approach: Students Perspective of Skills Obtained
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Instructional Psychology
Tempat Terbit:George E
Volume:Vol. 37 Issue 3 2010
Penerbit:Educational Innovations
Frekuensi Penerbitan:4 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Kerry Kazura and Harlee Tuttle
Abstraksi:This study describes undergraduate students' evaluation of skills gained from two different research experiences (observation vs. interview) while enrolled in a child development course (N=83). At the end of the semester students were asked to complete a skills questionnaire. Factor analysis revealed three themes that were used to create the following variables: data collection skills, writing and presentation skills, and professional development skills. MANO VA analysis produced an overall mean difference between these two groups, with significant univariate effects for the data collection skills F(l ,63)=4.95,/7<.O5, writing and presentation skills F(1,63)=33.72, p< .01, and professional development skills F( 1,63)=4.23,p< .05. Students' comments regarding their research experiences were also analyzed. Students enjoyed making the connections between course content and children's behavior in a natural setting. They recommended that future students would enjoy conducting research and advised them to utilize time-management skills to promote success in the course.
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