Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Examining the Impact of Celebrity Gossip Magazine Coverage of Pregnant Celebrities on Pregnant Women’s Self-Objectification
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Tragedy Viewers Count Their Blessings: Feeling Low on Fiction Leads to Feeling High on Life
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Let the People Speak: A Multilevel Model of Supply and Demand for Press Freedom
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Attention, Attitude, and Behavior: Second-Level Agenda-Setting Effects as a Mediator of Media Use and Political Participation
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Processes of Political Socialization: A Communication Mediation Approach to Youth Civic Engagement
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Supportive Parenting as a Moderator of Perceived Ethnic/Racial Discrimination’s Associations With Psychological and Academic Adjustment: A Comparison Between Mexican- Origin Females in Early and Middle Adolescence
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Examining Cultural Similarities and Differences in Responses to Advice: A Comparison of American and Chinese College Students
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Forgiveness in the United States and China: Antecedents, Consequences, and Communication Style Comparisons
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Explaining the Process of Resistance to Persuasion: A Politeness Theory-Based Approach
Komunikasi | Communication Research
The Role of Thinking in the Comforting Process: An Empirical Test of a Dual-Process Framework
Komunikasi | Communication Research