Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

The Role of Thinking in the Comforting Process: An Empirical Test of a Dual-Process Framework

Judul Artikel:The Role of Thinking in the Comforting Process: An Empirical Test of a Dual-Process Framework
Judul Terbitan:Communication Research
Tempat Terbit:USA
Volume:Vol. 40 Issue 4 2013
Penerbit:University of Colorado
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Graham D. Bodie1
Abstraksi:Using data from 192 undergraduates asked to imagine a stressful experience, this study finds support for two primary contentions of a dual-process theory of supportive message outcomes: (a) message content impacts anticipated affect improvement (AAI) when processing motivation is high but not when low and (b) processing extent mediates the relationship between verbal person centeredness (VPC) and AAI for highly motivated participants. In addition, the dual-process framework was used to forward a modified theory of conversationally induced reappraisals. In support of this model, positive emotion words and situation reappraisal mediated the VPC-AAI link only when recipients afforded close attention to message content. The discussion focuses on how the dual-process framework might assist in modifying theories of supportive communication in other ways.
Kata Kunci:social support, listening, message reception, information processing, stress