SAGE European Journal of Communication

Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Constructing ‘suspect’ communities and Britishness: Mapping British press coverage of Irish and Muslim communities, 1974–2007
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Protest logics and the mediation opportunity structure
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Enthusiasm, trust and its erosion in mediated politics: On fans of Obama and the Liberal Democrats
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
I-Pistemology: Changing truth claims in popular and political culture
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Political discussion, opinion leadership and trust
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Believing the news: From sinking trust to atrophied efficacy
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
‘Trust no one’: Modernization, paranoia and conspiracy culture
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
What’s left of trust in a network society? An evolutionary model and critical discussion of trust and societal communication
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
‘Do (not) go to vote!’ Media provocation explained
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Politics in the media and the media in politics: A comparative study of the relationship between the media and political systems in three European countries
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication