Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

I-Pistemology: Changing truth claims in popular and political culture

Judul Artikel:I-Pistemology: Changing truth claims in popular and political culture
Judul Terbitan:SAGE European Journal of Communication
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 27 Issue 1 2012
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Liesbet van Zoonen
Abstraksi:This article introduces the notion of I-pistemology to capture a contemporary cultural process in which people from all walks of life have come to suspect the knowledge coming from official institutions and experts, and have replaced it with the truth coming from their own individual experience and opinions. While, at present, such personal experiences are successfully mobilized by the new right in Europe, the author argues that I-pistemology is also the result of critical theory and movements that have identified ‘knowledge’ as an instrument of power that needs to be contested. In addition online and offline popular culture have raised personal experience to the level of the only relevant truth. In conclusion, the article discusses the repercussions of I-pistemology for policy and progressive politics.
Kata Kunci:knowledge, media, power, trust