SAGE European Journal of Communication

Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Political information and interpersonal conversations in a multimedia environment: A quantitative and qualitative examination of information practices in France
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Converging perspectives in audience studies and digital literacies: Youthful interpretations of an online genre
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Do audiences receive diverse ideas from news media? Exposure to a variety of news media and personal characteristics as determinants of diversity as received
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Normalization 2.0: A longitudinal analysis of German online campaigns in the national elections 2002–9
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
The making of an entertainment revolution: How the TV format trade became a global industry
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Women’s magazines and the public sphere
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
From trust to accountability: Negotiating media performance in the Netherlands, 1987–2007
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Audiences on the move? Use and assessment of local print and online newspapers
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Informing, engaging, mobilizing or interacting: Searching for a European model of web campaigning
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Suspicious minds: Explaining political cynicism among political journalists in Europe
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication