Journal of Communication

Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Expanding the Boundaries of Entertainment Research: An Epilogue
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Captivated and Grossed Out: An Examination of Processing Core and Sociomoral Disgusts in Entertainment Media
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
More Than Stories With Buttons: Narrative, Mechanics, and Context as Determinants of Player Experience in Digital Games
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Repeated Exposure to Narrative Entertainment and the Salience of Moral Intuitions
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Interactive Narratives: Processes and Outcomes in User-Directed Stories
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Media Entertainment and Well-Being—Linking Hedonic and Eudaimonic Entertainment Experience to Media-Induced Recovery and Vitality
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Temporarily Expanding the Boundaries of the Self: Motivations for Entering the Story World and Implications for Narrative Effect
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Entertainment 2.0? The Role of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Need Satisfaction for the Enjoyment of Facebook Use
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Testing a Dual-Process Model of Media Enjoyment and Appreciation
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Entertainment and Politics Revisited: How Non-Escapist Forms of Entertainment Can Stimulate Political Interest and Information Seeking
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication