Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Socioeconomic Disparities in Fatalistic Beliefs About Cancer Prevention and the Internet
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
The Effect of Relationship Characteristics and Relational Communication on Experiences of Hurt From Romantic Partners
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
To Personalize or Depersonalize? When and How Politicians’ Personalized Tweets Affect the Public’s Reactions
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Fastening Our Seatbelts: Turning Crisis Into Opportunity
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
The Impact of Parents ‘‘Friending’’ Their Young Adult Child on Facebook on Perceptions of Parental Privacy Invasions and Parent–Child Relationship Quality
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Positive Female Role-Models Eliminate Negative Effects of Sexually Violent Media
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Understanding Sexual Objectification: A Comprehensive Approach Toward Media Exposure and Girls’ Internalization of Beauty Ideals, Self-Objectification, and Body Surveillance
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Why are Tailored Messages More Effective? A Multiple Mediation Analysis of a Breast Cancer Screening Intervention
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Is There a Visual Dominance in Political Communication? How Verbal, Visual, and Vocal Communication Shape Viewers’ Impressions of Political Candidates
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Public Intimacy: Disclosure Interpretation and Social Judgments on Facebook
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication