Journal of Communication

Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

The Relative Persuasiveness of Gain- Framed and Loss-Framed Messages for Encouraging Disease Detection Behaviors: A Meta-Analytic Review
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Importance Placed on Physical Attractiveness and Advertisement-Inspired Social Comparison Behavior Among Japanese Female and Male Teenagers
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Rap Music Videos and African American Women’s Body Image: The Moderating Role of Ethnic Identity
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Learning Political Information From the News: A Closer Look at the Role of Motivation
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Public Attitudes About Government Involvement in Expressive Controversies
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Political Discussion Frequency, Network Size, and ‘‘Heterogeneity’’ of Discussion as Predictors of Political Knowledge and Participation
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Conversational Voice, Communicated Commitment, and Public Relations Outcomes in Interactive Online Communication
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
The Uncomfortable Encounter Between an Urban Black and a Rural White: The Ideological Implications of Racial Conflict on MTV’s The Real World
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
The Power of Narratives: The Effect of Entertainment Television Organ Donation Storylines on the Attitudes, Knowledge, and Behaviors of Donors and Nondonors
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Self-Reported News Attention Does Assess Differential Processing of Media Content: An Experiment on Risk Perceptions Utilizing a Random Sample of U.S. Local Crime and Accident News
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication