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‘It took me about half an hour, but I did it!’ Media circuits and affinity spaces around how-to videos on YouTube

Judul Artikel:‘It took me about half an hour, but I did it!’ Media circuits and affinity spaces around how-to videos on YouTube
Judul Terbitan:SAGE European Journal of Communication
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 27 Issue 2 2012
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Simon Lindgren
Abstraksi:Combining sentiment analysis and discursive network analysis, this article looks to answer which sentiments characterize YouTube comments discourse, with a specific focus on howto videos. What are the differences between comments to various types of videos, and which discursive contexts seem to promote positive sentiment and a participatory climate? Furthermore, the aim is to map out a variety of existing user strategies in terms of their degree of participation. What various modes of taking part and/or giving support are made discursively possible, and what degrees of detachment or engagement are expressed through these identified strategies?
Kata Kunci:affinity spaces, discourse, informal learning, sentiment analysis