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Conceptualizations of the audience in political talk show production

Judul Artikel:Conceptualizations of the audience in political talk show production
Judul Terbitan:SAGE European Journal of Communication
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 29 Issue 1 2014
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Hanne Bruun
Abstraksi:This article presents and discusses the changing conceptualizations of the audience at work in the production culture of political talk shows in PSM (public service media) in Denmark. Based on findings from a case study of the Danish political talk show Debatten [The Debate], this article suggests that an audience-as-social-segments model seems to be emerging in the PSM organization DR. The model is used to manage the medium–viewer relationship in the portfolio of channels. The article argues that this audience-in-production model has two implications. First, it changes the staging of the implied receiver in the programmes. Second, it may be changing the relationship between the managerial level and the creative producers in the PSM organization, and it entails a nexus between genre, subject area and target groups. Finally, the article discusses the innovative potential and future challenges for PSM employing the audience-as-social-segments model.
Kata Kunci:Audience conceptualizations, political talk shows, production culture, PSM