Layanan ebook yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Spiritual Management : Teori, Konsep dan Penelitian
Lembaga Keuangan dan Perbankan
Learning Data Science Data Wrangling, Exploration, Visualization, and Modeling with Python
Sam Lau;Joseph Gonzalez;Deborah Nolan
Programming Your GPU with OpenMP
Tom Deakin;Timothy G. Mattson
Handbook of Big Data Research Methods
Shahriar Akter;Samuel Fosso Wamba
Deep Network Design for Medical Image Computing Principles and Applications
Haofu Liao;S. Kevin Zhou;Jiebo Luo
Introduction to Algorithms
Thomas H. Cormen;Charles E. Leiserson;Ronald L. Rivest;Clifford Stein
The Artificial Intelligence Handbook Series
Minh Trinh, PhD
Real-World Software Projects for Computer Science and Engineering Students
Varun Gupta;Anh Nguyen-Duc
Introduction to Problem-based Learning A guide for students
Jos Moust;Peter Bouhuijs;Henk Schmidt