Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Inferred Negative Trait in the Attitude Similarity–Attraction Relationship
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Is Research on Beauty Only Skin Deep? Review of The Psychology of Physical Attraction
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Multicultural Personality Dispositions and Psychological Well-Being
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
The Role of Social Class in the Formation of Identity: A Study of Public and Elite Private College Students
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Exploring Mental-State Reasoning as a Social–Cognitive Mechanism for Social Loafing in Children
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Effects of Social Value Orientations on Fairness Judgments
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Reduced Constituent Category Application in Surprising Combinations
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
The Relative Effects of Competence and Likability on Interpersonal Attraction
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Social Comparison and Affect: A Study Among Elderly Women
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Personality and Culture: A Comparison of Francophones and Anglophones in Québec
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology