Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Making Sense of the News in a Hybrid Regime: How Young Russians Decode State TV and an Oppositional Blog
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Mediated Martyrs of the Arab Spring: New Media, Civil Religion, and Narrative in Tunisia and Egypt
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Effects of Media Criticism on Gatekeeping Trust and Implications for Agenda Setting
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Women in higher education: The fight for equity
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Toward a rhetoric of insult
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Communication research methods
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Family communication, connections, and health transitions: Going through this together:
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
The handbook of intergroup communication
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
The Brief Disclosure Intervention (BDI): Facilitating African Americans’ Disclosure of HIV
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication
Voices of Hunger: Addressing Health Disparities Through the Culture-Centered Approach
Komunikasi | Journal of Communication