Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Virtual Brokerage and Closure: Network Structure and Social Capital in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game

Judul Artikel:Virtual Brokerage and Closure: Network Structure and Social Capital in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game
Judul Terbitan:Communication Research
Tempat Terbit:USA
Volume:Vol. 41 Issue 4 2014
Penerbit:University of Colorado
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Cuihua Shen, Peter Monge, and Dmitri Williams
Abstraksi:This study proposes a structural approach to examining online bridging and bonding social capital in a large virtual world. It tests the effects of individual players’ network brokerage and closure on their task performance and trust of other players. Bridging social capital is operationalized as brokerage, the extent to which one is tied to disconnected others, and bonding social capital as closure, the extent to which one is embedded in a densely connected group. Social networks were constructed from behavioral server logs of EverQuest II, a Massively Multiplayer Online Game. Results provided strong support for the structural model, demonstrating that players’ network brokerage positively predicted their task performance in the game and players embedded in closed networks were more likely to trust each other.
Kata Kunci:social capital, bridging, bonding, brokerage, closure, virtual world, MMO, social networks