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Variations in Students’ School- and Teacher-Related Attitudes Across Gender, Ethnicity, and Age

Judul Artikel:Variations in Students’ School- and Teacher-Related Attitudes Across Gender, Ethnicity, and Age
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Instructional Psychology
Tempat Terbit:George E
Volume:Vol. 35 Issue 3 2008
Penerbit:Educational Innovations
Frekuensi Penerbitan:4 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Jeremy R. Sullivan, Cynthia A. Riccio and Cecil R. Reynolds
Abstraksi:The present study examined differences across gender, ethnicity, and age with regard to the nature of participants’ self-reported attitudes toward school and teachers, based on previous research suggesting that students’ school- and teacher-related attitudes appear to have an influence on academic achievement. This study employed an archival approach using the standardization data (N = 10,140) from the Attitude to School and Attitude to Teachers scales of the Behavior Assessment System for Children Self-Report of Personality. Results of data analyses suggest that in general, males reported more negative attitudes toward both school and teachers; however, the effect sizes for the statistically significant gender differences were rather small. Age was not a significant main effect in any of the analyses for these two scales; there were no consistent patterns of more or less negative attitudes with increasing age for any of the gender or ethnic groups. Perhaps the most notable finding in the present study was a trend toward Hispanics reporting the most negative attitudes toward school while also reporting the most positive attitudes toward teachers. This finding suggests that there are factors other than teachers that contribute to Hispanics’ negative perceptions of school; the exploration of these factors represents an important area for future research
Kata Kunci:Attitudes, School, Teachers, Gender, Ethnicity, Age