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Theoiróst OrDeotatioo from DSagnosiinig a Case of Syicide

Judul Artikel:Theoiróst OrDeotatioo from DSagnosiinig a Case of Syicide
Judul Terbitan:The Journal of Individual Psychology
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 65 Issue 1 2009
Penerbit:University of Texas Press
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 tahun
Penulis:Mark H. Stone
Abstraksi:Abstract Information obtained from Farberowand Shneidman (1951) and Kelly (1953) was reinvestigated and data were reanalyzed to clarify questions raised by the authors^ and to answer these questions: Are the ratings of the six theorists different or similar?| Are they indicative of theoretical orientation? Farberow and Shneidman addressed the assessment of patient A.S. by six theorists. These theorists provided Q-sort ratings| derived from their individual review of case material on patient A.S. The theorists and their orientations {as delineated in the Farberow and Shneidman text) were Heinz Ansbacher (Adierian), Solomon Diamond (Nondirective), Samuel Futterman (Psy-| choanalytic), Maurice Green (Sullivanian), George Kelly (Personal Construct), and Bruno Klopfer (Jungian). The results from this analysis support a strikingly clear dif-¡ ference between the ratings of Ansbacher and the ratings ofthe other five individuals.' The implications for theoretical orientation are discussed.
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