Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

The Four Crucial Cs in Critical Friends Groups

Judul Artikel:The Four Crucial Cs in Critical Friends Groups
Judul Terbitan:The Journal of Individual Psychology
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 70 Issue 1 2014
Penerbit:University of Texas Press
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 tahun
Penulis:William L. Curlette and Harley G. Granville
Abstraksi:Abstract Critical Friends Groups (CFGs) are examined through the lens of Bettner and Lew’s (1989) Crucial Cs: connect to feel belonging, capable to contribute, count to feel signi?cance, and courage to meet the previous Cs in a positive and socially useful way. Critical Friends Groups are groups of approximately 10 teachers and other educational professionals who meet at least once a month to discuss professional issues. The group members use a structured approach, called protocols, to interact with one another, and protocols address both interpersonal and pedagogical topics. This article examines CFG processes and essential dispositions using the Crucial Cs. Insights from the Crucial Cs may help improve understanding of CFG functioning and outcomes. By demonstrating their application to the setting of teacher professional education, we present further multidisciplinary usefulness of the Crucial Cs.
Kata Kunci:Individual Psychology, teacher professional development, Critical Friends Groups, Crucial Cs