Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

The Differentiation Conditions for the Reasons of Stress in Teachers Candidates According to Their Branches and Departments

Judul Artikel:The Differentiation Conditions for the Reasons of Stress in Teachers Candidates According to Their Branches and Departments
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Instructional Psychology
Tempat Terbit:George E
Volume:Vol. 37 Issue 1 2010
Penerbit:Educational Innovations
Frekuensi Penerbitan:4 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Nida Bayindir
Abstraksi:The aim of this study is to find out whether the reasons of stress resulting from the examination which is necessary to be appointed differentiate according to the branches and the aspect of them if they differentiate. In this study, the effect of the examination stress factors of the senior students at Dumlup?nar University at the aspect of gender and departments. The sampling of the survey is composed of 120 senior students studying at three different departments of DPU Education Faculty in 2007-2008 academic year. The data was collected by using the examination stress oriented survey prepared by the researcher. It has been found from the findings of the study that occupation oriented job finding, knowing what to after graduation and finding a well paid job items, which are some of the main reasons for triggering examination stress of the senior students of DPU Education Faculty for being appointed to the profession, differentiated the most negative on was seen on the students of social science teacher. Because appointments in the country from this field is very few. It has not been found a meaningful difference between gender and examination stress
Kata Kunci:Teacher candidates, employment policies, professional examination stress, department /branch