The Journal of Social Psychology

Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Rewarding Seniority: Exploring Cultural and Organizational Predictors of Seniority Allocations
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Judging a Group by Sampling Members: How the Subdivision of a Minority Affects Its Perceived Size and Influence
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Predicting Recklessness in Emerging Adults: A Test of a Psychosocial Model
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
The Moderating Role of Ambivalent Sexism: The Influence of Power Status on Perception of Rape Victim and Rapist
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Value Priorities and Intention to Register for Posthumous Organ Donation in Dutch Adolescents
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Competitive Versus Cooperative Attitudes in Crossed Categorization Effects: Testing the Category Dominance and Equivalence Models
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Social Reactions to Adult Crying: The Help-Soliciting Function of Tears
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Does Substance Use Affect Reliabilities of the Implicit Association Test?
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Political Identification and the Defining Issues Test: Reevaluating an Old Hypothesis
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
The Applicability of Familism to Diverse Ethnic Groups: A Preliminary Study
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology