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Social Networking Sarajevo Roses: Digital Representations of Postconflict Civil Life in (the Former) Yugoslavia

Judul Artikel:Social Networking Sarajevo Roses: Digital Representations of Postconflict Civil Life in (the Former) Yugoslavia
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Communication
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 63 Issue 5 2013
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Deborah James
Abstraksi:Social networks of Sarajevo Roses, the red resin-filled mortar scars memorializing civilian casualties of the siege of Sarajevo, reveal a transient community of memory comprising locals and foreigners who blog. With the concurrent return of tourism to the former Yugoslavia and the mainstream adoption of blogs and Flickr, a network including photographs of Roses, rough-hewn ‘‘Don’t Forget’’ memorials in Mostar, and the ‘‘Do Not’’ mural in Srebrenica was created. Here, stories of social divisions in the once-celebrated plural society of Yugoslavia are exchanged, amplifying civilian countermemorials to the conflict. Applying critical analysis to the blog entries as visual evidence, this article uncovers characteristics contributing to the reshaping of public memory with ongoing activity, forms of evidence, and reinterpreted information.
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