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Social Interest and Self-Reported Distress in a Delinquent Sample: Application of the SSSI and the MAYSI-2

Judul Artikel:Social Interest and Self-Reported Distress in a Delinquent Sample: Application of the SSSI and the MAYSI-2
Judul Terbitan:The Journal of Individual Psychology
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 66 Issue 2 2010
Penerbit:University of Texas Press
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 tahun
Penulis:John F. Newbauer and Mark H. Stone
Abstraksi:Abstract The relationship between the construct of social interest as measured by the Sulliman Scale of Social Interest (SSSI; Sulliman, 1973), self-reported concerns about mental health as reported on the Massachusetts Youth Screening lnventory-2nd Version (MAYSI-2; Crisso & Barnum, 2001), and the extent of involvement with juvenile court were investigated using a sample of 99 adolescent participants in a central United States juvenile detention facility. Involvement with juvenile court was measured by the number of times the youth had been charged with a criminal act or violation of a court order as well as the amount of time the youth spent in secure detention or nonsecure detention (e.g., placement). Results indicate that the SSSI correlates strongly and negatively with MAYSI-2 scores as well as with the youth's involvement with juvenile court. ANOVAs showed significant differences for different age groups as well as gender and ethnic groups in terms of the SSSI results, suggesting a need to look further into the usefulness of having different norms for different age, gender, and ethnic groups.
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