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Scientific Research in Jordanian Higher Education Institutions: An Evaluation of the Status and Obstacles

Judul Artikel:Scientific Research in Jordanian Higher Education Institutions: An Evaluation of the Status and Obstacles
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Psychology and Theology
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 36 Issue 2 2009
Penerbit:Rosemead School of Psychology Biola University
Frekuensi Penerbitan:4 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Atif bin Tareef
Abstraksi:This study aimed at identifying the status and obstacles of scientific research in Jordanian higher education institutions. And defined by being an attempt to increase faculty member's, researcher's and educational leader's attention to the necessity of improving research planning or strategies,professional development, working conditions, support, research financing, effectiveness of research, private sector support, the ethics of research and qualified researchers. The main questions of the study was: What is the status and obstacles of scientific research of higher education institutions in Jordan as perceived by the deans and vice deans of the scientific research departments? The results of the study indicated that The decline in Jordanian higher educational scientific research because of the lack of resources along with the abuse of those available - The lack of a motivation for research - The lack of a strategic plan for research - The poor economic condition of university staff. - Jordanian higher educational scientific research is characterized by a decrease of its funding. - A very sensitive issue which affects the productivity of research is the ethics of research. The lack of procedures for monitoring research leads to plagiarism.
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