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Revisiting the Worksite in Worksite Health Campaigns: Evidence From a Multisite Organ Donation Campaign

Judul Artikel:Revisiting the Worksite in Worksite Health Campaigns: Evidence From a Multisite Organ Donation Campaign
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Communication
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 61 Issue 3 2011
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Tyler R. Harrison1, Susan E. Morgan1, Lisa V. Chewning2, Elizabeth A. Williams3, Joshua B. Barbour4, Mark J. Di Corcia5, & LaShara A. Davis6
Abstraksi:This article advances the beginnings of a general theory of organizational features to aid in understanding why health campaigns that work well in one organization may be ineffectual in another organization. The physical, social, and information structures of organizations are theorized to create an interaction environment that is distinct to each organization and that influences health campaigns. To test this argument, an organ donation campaign was conducted in 46 organizations. Multilevel modeling yielded mixed findings. Physical structure was negatively associated with signing an organ donor card. Social structure and information structure were positively associated with communication with coworkers about donation and communicative peer influence. Industry type was positively associated with knowledge change.
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