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Ready to Learn : Âo Evideoce-Based DodivSdyal Psychology Looked CyirirDcylym for Prekíodeirgairteo tbroygh First Grade

Judul Artikel:Ready to Learn : Âo Evideoce-Based DodivSdyal Psychology Looked CyirirDcylym for Prekíodeirgairteo tbroygh First Grade
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Individual Psychology
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 64 Issue 4 2008
Penerbit:University of Texas Press
Frekuensi Penerbitan:4 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Elizabeth Villares, Greg Brigman, and Paul R. Peluso
Abstraksi:The authors describe an Individual Psychology linked prekindergarten through first-grade classroom program called Ready to Üearn (RTL) and provide an overview of RTL research. RTL strategies and structured activities have been shown to help students develop critical academic and social skills. The main skill areas are attending, listening, social skills, and cognitive skills such as understanding story structure. Two randomized comparison group studies, for prekindergarten {Brigman, Lane, Switzer, Lane, & Lawrence, 1999) and kindergarten (Brigman & Webb, 2003) found that students receiving the RTL intervention scored significantly higher than comparison students on listening comprehension (the prerequisite to reading comprehension) and behavior related to academic and social skills. RTL uses a holistic approach of including students, teachers, school counselors, and parents to focus on the development of skills determined to be essential for academic and social success and includes an Adierian emphasis on the need to belong, the encouragement process, and social skills.
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