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Overcoming Societal Discouragement: Gay Recovering Alcoholics' Perceptions of the Adierian Life Tasks

Judul Artikel:Overcoming Societal Discouragement: Gay Recovering Alcoholics' Perceptions of the Adierian Life Tasks
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Individual Psychology
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 64 Issue 2 2008
Penerbit:University of Texas Press
Frekuensi Penerbitan:4 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Joffrey S. Suprina and Jeremy A. Lingle
Abstraksi:The authors explored perspectives on Adierian life tasks among gay men who are recovering alcoholics and participating in self-exploration through Alcoholics Anonymous. Each of the three major Adierian life tasks is addressed with regard to the challenges that they pose to gay individuals, including work, friendship, and love, as well as issues pertaining to self-acceptance and spirituality. Through recursive interviews of 10 participants, the authors found evidence that these responsibilities were met successfully to varying degrees by this sample despite living in a perceived heterosexist and homophobic society. The authors present a model that illustrates the psychological movement of these individuals from a place of discouragement to one of encouragement and social interest. This movement was found to require the development of three key concepts: the personal rejection of societal discrimination, an evolving self-acceptance, and the development of an integrated, flexible, and individualized relationship with the self and one's higher power. Implications for counselors are discussed.
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