Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Orientation Effects of Weather Words

Judul Artikel:Orientation Effects of Weather Words
Judul Terbitan:Counseling and Clinical Psychology Journal
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 9 Issue 3 2012
Penerbit:Psychological Publishing
Frekuensi Penerbitan:4 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:F. Richard Ferraro,* Austin Winger, Lyndsey Wunderlich, Kayla Wyrobek, Lauren Weivoda, Megan Langseth, Marie Kreiger, Tiffany Wolff, Jeremy Palmiscno, Molly Bishop
Abstraksi:One-hundred seventy-five college students read weather words presented in three different orientation formats (Normal upright, Rotated 90 degrees to the right, Movie Marquee) in an attempt to determine an optimum presentation format and how that format would facilitate performance. Response Times (RTs) to words presented in Movie Marquee format were slowest overall as compared to words presented in Normal and Rotated formats (p’s < .01). Unexpectedly, RTs to Rotated and Normal did not differ (p = .19) but this difference was in the expected direction. Normal and Rotated presentation of weather words is optimal (significantly faster response times) as compared to the Marquee format. These results have implications for how best to design information presentation formats as they relate to processing weather related information.
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