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Mechanisms and Development Strategies for Teaching Thinking to Move the Role of Jordan Universities as the Product of the Think Tank from the Faculty Members Point of View

Judul Artikel:Mechanisms and Development Strategies for Teaching Thinking to Move the Role of Jordan Universities as the Product of the Think Tank from the Faculty Members Point of View
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Instructional Psychology
Tempat Terbit:George E
Volume:Vol. 38 Issue 2 2011
Penerbit:Educational Innovations
Frekuensi Penerbitan:4 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Ayed H. Ziadat, Natheer S.Abu- Nair, and Mansour A. Abu Sameha
Abstraksi:The study aimed at revealing the mechanisms and development strategies for teaching thinking to move the role of Jordan universities as the product of think tank from the faculty members point of view. Also aimed to determine the influence of academic rank in shaping the mechanisms and development strategies for teaching thinking in Jordanian universities. The researcher used the descriptive method of analysis, and the study population consisted of a random sample of the faculty at the University of Al-Balqa Applied University of Jordan, and included a (85) faculty members. The researcher developed a questionnaire based on many of tools that prepared on mechanisms and development strategies for teaching thinking, has built-resolution (27) distributed to the two areas the methods of mechanisms and development strategies for teaching thinking). The data was processed using a computer through the program (SPSS) statistics, were calculated means and standard deviations and test analysis of variance ANOVA. The study mechanisms and methods of development strategies for teaching thinking in Jordanian universities from the perspective of faculty members. Study came up with a high degree and the absence of statistically significant differences in the responses of faculty members teaching attributable to each of the variable teaching experience and academic rank, and in light of results of the study, the researcher presented a number of recommendations.
Kata Kunci:Key words : university, think tank , teaching thinking.