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Involved, Transported, or Emotional? Exploring the Determinants of Change in Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior in Entertainment-Education

Judul Artikel:Involved, Transported, or Emotional? Exploring the Determinants of Change in Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior in Entertainment-Education
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Communication
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 61 Issue 1 2011
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Sheila T. Murphy, Lauren B. Frank, Meghan B. Moran, & Paula Patnoe-Woodley
Abstraksi:This study examined how 3 constructs—involvement with a specific character, involvement with the narrative (Green and Brock’s construct of transportation), and viewers’ emotional reaction to the narrative—produce entertainment-education (EE) effects. A pretest/posttest survey of 167 regular viewers measured the effects of exposure to a lymphoma storyline on a television drama, Desperate Housewives. Transportation or involvement with the narrative was the best predictor of change in relevant knowledge, attitudes, and behavior. Although involvement with a specific character has been hailed an important direct predictor of EE effects, a structural equationmodel indicated that character involvement may bemore important for its ability to heighten transportation and emotion, which, in turn, produce changes in viewers’ knowledge, attitudes, and behavior.
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