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Ethical Considerations Involving Informed Consent in Adlerian Open Forum Counseling

Judul Artikel:Ethical Considerations Involving Informed Consent in Adlerian Open Forum Counseling
Judul Terbitan:The Journal of Individual Psychology
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 69 Issue 4 2013
Penerbit:University of Texas Press
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 tahun
Penulis:Rocky Garrison and Daniel Eckstein
Abstraksi:Abstract Open forum counseling, a service delivery modality unique to Individual Psychology, was developed by Alfred Adler in the years after World War I at Centers for the Guidance of Parents. Usually, an individual or a family is interviewed in front of an audience as a means of educating the audience about Individual Psychology. The authors address ethical issues regarding informed consent in open forum counseling. Respecting the rights, autonomy, and dignity of the client is the cornerstone of a good therapeutic relationship in Individual Psychology. Informed consent is an ethical and sometimes legal mandate to inform the client(s) in a professional relationship about the limits of confidentiality as well as the nature, possible risks, and possible benefits of their treatment prior to obtaining their consent to participate in this treatment. The authors propose a process for obtaining informed consent and an informed-consent form as means of enacting a respectful relationship with the volunteer(s) in open forum counseling.
Kata Kunci:Individual Psychology, Adlerian open forum counseling, ethics, family counseling, informed consent