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Equality in the Division of Household Labor: A Comparative Study of Jewish Women and Arab Muslim Women in Israel

Judul Artikel:Equality in the Division of Household Labor: A Comparative Study of Jewish Women and Arab Muslim Women in Israel
Judul Terbitan:The Journal of Social Psychology
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 147 Issue 4 2007
Penerbit:Heldref Publications
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6x 1 tahun
Abstraksi:In this study, the author compared perceptions of gender-based equality in the division of household labor among Jewish women (n = 60) and Arab Muslim women (n = 62) from dual-earner families in Israel. Guided by theories regarding the division of household labor, the author also explored the impact of 3 sets of variables—resources, gender-role attitudes, and job flexibility (flextime)—on perceived equality in the division of household labor. The findings revealed that the Jewish women tended to perceive the division of household labor as more egalitarian than did their Arab Muslim counterparts. Furthermore, the Jewish women had more egalitarian gender-role attitudes and more job flexibility than did the Arab Muslim women. However, all 3 sets of variables predicted perceived equality in the division of household labor to the same extent for both groups of women. Moreover, for both groups, education level correlated with attitudes toward household labor and with extent of job flexibility. Overall, the findings suggest that education may contribute to improving women’s quality of life in both traditional and modern sociocultural contexts.
Kata Kunci:Arab Muslim, egalitarian division of household labor, flextime, Jewish, traditional societies