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Effects of Message Framing and Anchoring on Reaching Public Consensus on the Korea–U.S. FTA Issue

Judul Artikel:Effects of Message Framing and Anchoring on Reaching Public Consensus on the Korea–U.S. FTA Issue
Judul Terbitan:Communication Research
Tempat Terbit:USA
Volume:Vol. 40 Issue 2 2013
Penerbit:University of Colorado
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Seyoung Lee1 and Hyun Soon Park2
Abstraksi:This study examines how individuals perceive gains and losses through message framing and reference anchoring, focusing on social problems from the prospect theory perspective. The results indicate that message framing has a significant effect on agreement. In terms of framing the outcome, loss-framing messages are more effective than gain-framing messages in influencing agreement on the Korea–U.S. FTA (Free Trade Agreement). Furthermore, with respect to experimenter-provided and self-generated anchor inducements, the participants with experimenter-provided anchor values are more likely to agree with suggestions in messages than those with self-generated anchor values. The results have several practical implications.
Kata Kunci:prospect theory, framing, anchoring, Korea–U.S. FTA