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Do Print, Web-Based, or Blackboard Integrated Tbtorial Strategies Differentially Influence Student Learning in an Introductory Psychology Class?

Judul Artikel:Do Print, Web-Based, or Blackboard Integrated Tbtorial Strategies Differentially Influence Student Learning in an Introductory Psychology Class?
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Instructional Psychology
Tempat Terbit:George E
Volume:Vol. 37 Issue 3 2010
Penerbit:Educational Innovations
Frekuensi Penerbitan:4 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Don R. Osbom
Abstraksi:Web-based tutorials offer an opportunity to provide automated individualized feedback to help students develop, for example, the ability to identify independent and dependent variables and the ability to discriminate between experimental and predictor variables. Doing so enables them to distinguish between the relatively clear-cut causal conclusions from true experiments and the more in depth analysis required to judge causality from correlational studies. Evaluation data shows the Web tutorial (http://cas.bellarmine.edu/Osbom/hypertut_piv) improved student performance compared to a print tutorial. The strongest effect size (Cohen's d = .50) was obtained when comparing print problem solving only classes to print problem solving plus Web tutorial-available classes' performance. Also, using Blackboard to add class points as a direct incentive for using the tutorial material may lead to increased performance (Cohen's d = 30) over simply making the Web tutorial available.
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