Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Assessment of the Prosocial Behaviors of Young Children with Regard to Social Development, Social Skills, Parental Acceptance-Rejection and Peer Relationships

Judul Artikel:Assessment of the Prosocial Behaviors of Young Children with Regard to Social Development, Social Skills, Parental Acceptance-Rejection and Peer Relationships
Judul Terbitan:Journal of Instructional Psychology
Tempat Terbit:George E
Volume:Vol. 38 Issue 3 2011
Penerbit:Educational Innovations
Frekuensi Penerbitan:4 x 1 Tahun
Penulis:Hiilya Giilay
Abstraksi:The aim of the study was prosocial behaviors of 5-6 years old children were investigated with regard to parental acceptance-rejection, peer relationships, general social development and social skills. The participants of the study included 277 5-6-year-old Turkish children and their parents. The Child Behavior Scale, Social Skills Form, Marmara Developmental Scale (Social Development Subscale), The Victimization Scale and Parental Acceptance-Rejection Questionnaire (PARQ) (Mother Form- Father Form) were used in the study. Based on the study results, family variables (parental accsptance-rejection), different dimensions of social development (social development levels and social skills levels) and variables about peer relationships (aggressioi, exclusion, fear-anxiety, hyperactivity, victimization-distractibility) were determinsd to be highly associated with prosocial behaviors. The study results related to family variables revealed the significant effect of parental acceptance-rejection on prosocial behaviors.
Kata Kunci:Key words: Prosocial behaviors, social development, soaal skills, parental acceptance- rejection, peer relationships