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An Important Lesson from Our Past with Significance for Our Future: Alfred Adler's Gemeinschaftsgefühl

Judul Artikel:An Important Lesson from Our Past with Significance for Our Future: Alfred Adler's Gemeinschaftsgefühl
Judul Terbitan:The Journal of Individual Psychology
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 69 Issue 4 2013
Penerbit:University of Texas Press
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 tahun
Penulis:S. Kathleen La Voy, Matthew j . L. Brand, and Collin R. McFadden
Abstraksi:Abstract We review Alfred Adler's concept of Cemeinschaftsgefühl and argue for its relevance as a contemporary social philosophy. We create a conceptual framework by exploring the concept's most defining parameters. The life of the concept, from emergence in the early 20th century to its distinct profile in 21st century psychology, is briefly tracked. Evidence for its existence as a neural-based process is explored through new work in the field of neuroscience suggesting that human brains mirror the actions and feelings of others. Finally, Gemeinschaftsgefühl is recommended as a lens for understanding and addressing the health and progress of both current society and the individual.
Kata Kunci:Individual Psychology, Gemeinschaftsgefühl, mirror neurons, social interest