Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

An Adierian Conceptualization of Korean Women with Hwa-byung

Judul Artikel:An Adierian Conceptualization of Korean Women with Hwa-byung
Judul Terbitan:The Journal of Individual Psychology
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 69 Issue 1 2013
Penerbit:University of Texas Press
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 tahun
Penulis:Eunha Kim and Ingrid Hogge
Abstraksi:Abstract The authors describe the application of Adierian psychotherapy to Korean middleor older-aged women who suffer, from hwa-byung. Hwa-byung is a Korean anger syndrome that develops as a result of built-up, unresolved, and suppressed anger and other negative feelings in combination with individuals' selective adoption of defense mechanisms and coping strategies, for example, somatization, avoidance of tension, externalization, self-criticism, and complaining (Min & Suh, 2010). After a brief overview of hwa-byung symptoms and traditional Korean cultural context, the authors discuss how Adier's theory of Individual Psychology can be applied to conceptualize hwa-byung and present a case example of a Korean middle-aged woman.
Kata Kunci:Keywords: Individual Psychology, Korea, cross-cultural counseling, hwa-byung